Installing node with nvm

A proper way to install and updating node.

August 13, 2019

Code 💻

2 min read

There are many ways in installing Node, but one of my favorite way is using a nvm (Node Version Manager).

In order to use nvm, you need to install the nvm: (as of Aug 13th, 2019).

curl -o- | bash

Once you have finished installing the nvm, you can start using the nvm to install Node.

Install Node

Install the latest version of node: nvm install node

Use the latest version of node: nvm use node

LTS Version

LTS is a node version which is recommended for most users. In other words, it is a stable version.

Install the latest LTS version of node: nvm install --lts

Use the latest LT version: nvm use --lts


If you wish to install a specific version of Node, you can also use:

nvm install <VERSION>

For example, you can use: nvm install 10.16.2

After installing Node, you can set a default version to use by using:

nvm use 10.16.2

Useful NVM Command

You can also check the current version of Node by using two commands:

nvm current
node -v

You can also list all the installed version of Node:

nvm ls

If you wish to set a default version for the Node:

nvm alias default <VERSION>
